
Showing posts from December, 2019

Essay part 2

Option A: Choose three nations from three different parts of the world. Discuss the challenges they face regarding population and migration, using information we learned during our studies (perhaps including CIA World Factbook data, population pyramids, Net Migration Rates, possible overpopulation or underpopulation). Also, analyze what each nation's leaders need to do to deal with these challenges. The 3 countries I’ve chosen are The United States, Nigeria and Japan  Challanges United States faces include,  rates of immagration, currently is in stage 4 because of the low crude birth rate and slightly increasing crude death rate which causes a slowl natural increase rate  Japan faces problems with their populations age and the birth to death ratio, in which there is not enough births per year to counteract the amount of Deaths due to their population being older and their life expectancy rate being over 85 years old.  Nigeria almost half of the population ...

Starting notes for essay

Option A: Choose three nations from three different parts of the world. Discuss the challenges they face regarding population and migration, using information we learned during our studies (perhaps including CIA World Factbook data, population pyramids, Net Migration Rates, possible overpopulation or underpopulation). Also, analyze what each nation's leaders need to do to deal with these challenges. The 3 countries I’ve chosen are The United States, Nigeria and Japan  Challanges United States faces include,  rates of immagration  Japan faces problems with their populations age and the birth to death ratio, in which there is not enough birt

Quiz day

Today we took the 50 point quiz. I think I could've done better on it, I predict I got around a 80 on it. I did study but it would have been better if I studied the videos more. One question I know I got wrong was the one about the specific videos we watched, I said khan academy. Another part of the quiz was we had to name 2 countries that are currently in stage 5, I answered Russia and Germany. Now thinking back I should have said Italy instead of Russia.

Talking about test questions

Today in class we talked about possible test questions. The questions were a wide variety of what we have been covering, the demographic transition and the 4 (5) stages. I think I understand the stages pretty well, the part I think I need to study more for this weekend is the demographic transition because there is a lot of different parts and aspects to it.

Demographic transition

Today in class we looked at a demographic Transition model, we drew it in our notebooks. The model is a graph of the 4 (or 5) stages and how long a country would take to move through them. It shows the different stages and what classifies a country in the stages. Stage 1 is a high birth rate, high death rate and a slow increase of population.  Stage 2 has a high birth rate, a death rate that falls rapidly and very rapid increase in population. Stage 3 has a falling birth rate, a falling death rate and the population increase slows down. Stage 4 has a low birth and death rate and a stable increase in population. "Stage 5" shows a country with very low birth rate, low death rate and a slow decrease in population. 

Talking more on the 4 stages

Today we talked more about the 4 stages and phases a country goes through. We also watched 2 videos, the first one was a little more complicated but when we watched the second one it explained the idea more clearly for me, it had color coated graphs and had words explaining what each phase meant and how each country moved between them.


Today in class we underlined/highlighted important points we found in a packet of information. The packet was on different rates and the 4 stages of country. Every country right now is now in one of the stages. I underlined key definitions and bolded vocab words but I plan on studying more than I underlined for each page.