Essay part 2

Option A: Choose three nations from three different parts of the world. Discuss the challenges they face regarding population and migration, using information we learned during our studies (perhaps including CIA World Factbook data, population pyramids, Net Migration Rates, possible overpopulation or underpopulation). Also, analyze what each nation's leaders need to do to deal with these challenges.

The 3 countries I’ve chosen are The United States, Nigeria and Japan 
Challanges United States faces include,  rates of immagration, currently is in stage 4 because of the low crude birth rate and slightly increasing crude death rate which causes a slowl natural increase rate 
Japan faces problems with their populations age and the birth to death ratio, in which there is not enough births per year to counteract the amount of Deaths due to their population being older and their life expectancy rate being over 85 years old. 
Nigeria almost half of the population is under the age of 15, this because of the out of control birth rates and lack of birth control another challenge is the birth rate, Nigeria is currently in stage 1 as they have a very high  crude birth rate also a very high death rate which means a slow increase in population. They have a low life expectancy


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