monday class

Half the class was absent so today everyone made up the blogs they missed and the people that missed the quiz are studying for tomorrow, I have my blogs up to date so here are egypt notes
Geography of Egypt- The Nile flows northward across Africa for over 4,100 miles, making it the longest river in the world.
Gift of the Nile- Yearly flooding brought rich soil called silt which the Egyptians would pick up before the sun dried it.
Environmental challenges- Egyptians were lucky because the Nile was like clockwork on when it would flood as where the Tigris and Euphrates were unpredictable for flooding.
Egypt unites into a kingdom farming villages date back to 5,000 B.C.
The villages, Upper and Lower Egypt all united around 3,000 B.C.
Pharaohs ruled as gods, thought to be from the heavens and as splendid and powerful as one
They believed that Kings ruled even after death, eternal life = ka
The pyramids were resting places for pharaohs
The most important Gods were Re, god of the sun, Osiris god of the dead
Royal and high class were embalmed and dried corpses to prevent from decaying


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