This is a weird  time and the last 2 weeks have been hard to adjust to. It’s not easy being away from friends and sports. I am used to being very busy and not having alot of down time. Now it’s all down time and it’s been an adjustment. I am trying to stick to a schedule everyday so I don’t fall behind in any of my classwork and I still have time to do things I want to do around the house. It seems like there is a lot more work than if we were in the classroom. I guess it just seems that way because I have to figure out things on my own instead of listening to a teacher explain the work. I spend alot of time during the day trying to figure out what the teacher wants exactly. It’s not always clear in the directions and not having the teacher in person to ask has been tough. It’s so much easier to just raise your hand and ask the question in real time.  I understand this is hard on the teachers too. This is not good for anybody. It’s a hard way to learn. It really makes you miss school and with basically 2 months of school left it’s sad to think about not going back until next year. I am worried about my grades slipping without being in the classroom, but so far it hasn’t been too bad. I brought all my grafes except one, which I am working on. One thing I think about is if the teachers judge you on how when you turn in your assingments. In conclusion I think the cyber learning will give a chance for all us to learn soemthing from, but I can’t wait to get back in a classroom. 


  1. This is a huge challenge, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I have a suggestion which is a simple one, but not as easy as it sounds: it is easier to KEEP UP, than to CATCH UP. Try not to get overwhelmed with the amount of work, and just bang out your assignments one at a time as best as you can.
    Also, the best strategy is to not put off too much of the work for late night - we're not usually at our sharpest then!

    Good luck, Logan - we can do this!


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