slide notes

a lot of groups settled Rome
the Etruscans were one group
they came from north-central part of the peninsula
they were metal workers, artists, and architects
Greeks also settled Rome
they had colonies around the Mediterranean Sea
Romans borrowed many things from the Greeks like religious beliefs, alphabet, art, military techniques, weapons
Latins were first group to settle Rome
they settled on the banks of the Tiber River
descended from Indo-Europeans
trading ships could navigate as far as Rome, it was a commercial port
It was built on 7 hills
2 brothers Remus wanted Aventine, and Romulus chose Palatine
many streams flowed into the Tiber River
marshy area called the Forum between Palatine and Capitoline Hills
Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built a large drain that drained water into the Tiber
Tarquin was a tyrant and the 7th and last King of Rome


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